When does the high upload speeds matter?

 In spite of the fact that most internet connection has higher download speed than upload speed, it does not necessarily mean that upload speed is not important. In contrast, upload speeds are so important to our internet experiences, especially when it comes to online activities relying heavily on uploading.

Think of when you share or post many images and videos in high resolution on Facebook, Youtube, or other social network sites, for example, then a good upload speed, in this case, might be everything you need, especially if you are in a hurry. Do you know that uploading 1 gigabyte of images would take about 150 minutes at 1Mbps upload speed? But with that same size of data, it would take just about less than 15 minutes at the upload speed of 10 Mbps, do you know that?

Speed test: Upload speeds are so important to our internet experiences, especially when it comes to online activities relying heavily on uploading

The difference in the number of minutes that you need to spend for uploading 1 gigabyte of images is extremely significant. That is the way high upload speeds will save you a lot of time. That’s also how high upload speeds matter.

Well, not only uploading images, but high upload speeds also matter every time you need to upload and send large-sized files such as uploading data to Dropbox, sending emails with large attachments, and a lot of others. In addition, good upload speeds are also crucial when we make a video call over Skype, Facetime, or make video conferences via Zoom, or use applications like Google Docs or Google Sheet, and more.

Why is upload speed lower than download speed?

In most speed test results, we often find that the download speed test is higher than the upload speed. That is because the majority of online activities that we engage in these days require more download bandwidth and upload bandwidth. From playing online games, opening a webpage, to streaming videos or TV shows, … they all depend on downloading rather than uploading. That is the reason why it is said that the average person needs faster download speeds than upload speeds. Well, due to that fact, most Internet Service Providers or ISPs design their system to give the priority to the download bandwidth so that they can offer higher download speed to the customers.

Speed test results: How important is the upload speed?

In speed test results, download speed, upload speed, and ping rate are 3 primary measurements of an internet connection’s performance. While the ping rate determines how responsive a connection is, the download speed and upload speed measure how fast the connection is. In fact, we often see that upload speed is higher than download speed because most common online activities rely heavily on downloading. So, it doesn’t necessarily mean that download speed is not important. Check out this article to know how important the upload speed is, when it matters as well as quick and simple ways to boost up your upload speed. Let’s do it right now!

How important is the upload speed?

Simple ways to speed up your upload speed

Well, now we all see how important the upload speed is, right? So, when you need to engage in online activities that require good upload speed, it’s good to run a few speed tests. Looking at the speed test results, you will know how fast the current upload speed of your internet connection is.

Simple ways to boost up the upload speed

If you find the current upload speed insufficient for your activities, you can try some simple and easy tips below here to improve the speed of uploading.

  • Try connecting to the wired connection. In case you are connecting to the Wi-Fi connection, you should try switching to the wired connection because it usually has a faster and more stable connection than the wireless network.

  • Using the internet at off-peak hours. Well, this suggestion seems unsuitable if you want to post, upload something, or engage in an online activity right away. But if you are not in a hurry, you can choose to use the internet at off-peak hours when the internet connection is often much faster than peak times.


Though we often see that download speed results are higher than upload speed results when we run speed tests to check the connection. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the upload speeds are not important for our internet experiences. In many cases, good upload speeds are everything we need. In the end, we hope that this article and its info were all useful to you. 

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