How to Run a Website Speed Test

 As the fight for customers and market share has become more severe, it’s important to take a look at the importance of a fast, functioning website. Carving out time for a website test online ( ) on a regular basis is different between an underperforming site and one that yields valuable business results. 

Run website test speed on

Being aware of how important your website speed is to your organization, we offer a website test free of charge called MySpeed. Using a proprietary algorithm, our reports evaluate website performance across a variety of m767etrics, including website speed and load time, SEO, mobile readiness, and visual impact. Don’t be worried if you are not an IP expert because the results gained from the site is easy to read. You should face no trouble find the problem behind your website slowness and areas for improvements. 

Four Benefits of a Website Speed Test

Running a website test google is a fast, simple way to get an insight into the state of your company’s site. By taking a number of factors into consideration, speed tests will figure out back-end issues that have a negative impact on online lead generation efforts and conversion rates.

Here are five key advantages of performing a regular website speed test

Boost User Experience

It’s no surprise that the ultimate goal of speed check google up a website is to boost the visitor’s experience. Several studies showed that users will abandon a website with poor performance. But most website owners make a great effort to engage visitors through their content and graphics without paying much attention to website loading time. 

According to Google’s report, a 1-second delay in load time will lead to a 16% loss in visitors’ satisfaction and 79% of those visitors would not buy if they are not satisfied with website performance. Slow websites are associated with a lack of efficiency and fail to gain a visitor´s trust to share personal and billing information. Does your website loads fast? Running a website test speed to have timely changes for better site performance.

Website test speed for better user experience

Prevent Conversion damage

It’s would be no exaggeration to say that Page load time is the cornerstone of a website’s user experience. A fast loading page is more likely to attract visitors and convert them into customers. Recent research conducted by KISSMetrics showed that as much as 40% of users will leave a website if the page load time is more than three seconds. For all types of businesses, even a slight delay in load time could hurt traffic, conversions, and lead generation. 

Maintain Search Rankings

Major search engines have listed page load speeds as one of the most important criteria when it comes to ranking a website. If you’ve witnessed a drop in your website’s ranking among relevant search terms, this could be attributed to speed. Running consistent website test speed help to keep track of your site and ensure it stays at the top of search results.

 Website test speed: Maintain Search Rankings

Protect Paid Search Investment

Sadly, a slow loading website of companies' paid search results will be penalized by Google. Plus, the quality of a firm's AdWords landing page also depends much on the page load time. Of course, a lower quality score will lead to higher-paid search costs and decreased ad exposure.

Determine Improvement Areas

Ultimately, running website test speed can help you determine precisely what’s stifling load time. From that, you may have minor changes to the front or back end of a website for a faster website such as optimizing images or minify CSS and JavaScrip files. You can read more tips to speed up your website

4 Amazing Advantages of website test speed

It’s essential to regularly conduct a website test speed as this helps maintain a high-functioning online presence. For most businesses these days, having a well-designed website isn’t enough—it also needs to load quickly and work seamlessly to satisfy user satisfaction. Not only a slow-loading lead to a loss in traffic, but it can also prevent a company’s digital marketing campaigns from succeeding.

4 Amazing Advantages of a website test speed


Running a website test speed brings about a lot of benefits. So, if you has your own website or web application, make sure you set the website testing a top priority in your business checklist to have a faster website. 

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