Some things to know to ensure the accuracy of the tests

 It’s no doubt that doing test speed is just a piece of cake. But when it comes to running speed tests the right way, it’s not really easy. Since different factors can affect the speed test results’ accuracy, we need to perform them properly so that we can measure our internet connection more accurately as well as have a more complete picture of its performance.

Running web speed test multiple times at different hours of the day or even the week, closing unnecessary programs running on the background of the device before testing, running speed tests on different testing site or testing tools, using the different test server, taking into account the position of the router when running Wi-Fi speed test, … are some things you should keep in mind when running online speed tests

Press a button to start the speed tests

After finding the speed test sites that you want to run speed tests on, it’s time for you to go to the sites and start the tests. Well, it’s very, very simple to perform speed test internet online using these speed test sites. Everything you need to do here is to press a “START” or “GO” button to begin the test and then wait some seconds for the system to produce the results.

Know where to perform the speed test internet online

Of course, to run online speed tests, the very first thing we have to do is to access the testing sites. If you have known reliable online speed test sites, well, it’s so great because you just need to go to the sites and run your tests.

But it’s all okay if you don’t know where to perform the speed test internet online since you can find speed testing sites so quickly and easily by doing some Google searches. First of all, you need to open a web browser on your device, then go to, type keywords like “online speed test”, or “best speed test”, or something like these on the searching bar. After that, Google will give you a lot of results, scrolling down and going to page 2, page 3, … then you will find a lot of online speed tests.

There is a very important thing you need to know is that though there are countless online speed testing sites online speed testing services out there, you should just run your speed tests on reliable and popular speed test sites. In which, by Ookla, by Netflix, by Google Fiber,,, … are among the very reliable and popular online speed test sites available on the internet right now. You can also use tools like by MySpeed to perform the test as it’s very simple and easy to use.

It’s very simple to perform speed test internet online using these speed test sites

How to perform speed test internet online?

A good internet connection is considered so important for many of us these days. Fast and stable internet means that we can engage in online activities and enjoy them smoothly without lagging and disrupting. Well, but what should we do to know if our connection is fast or slow, stable or unstable, and well-performed or not? The simplest and quickest way to do that is running speed tests. Have you ever performed an web speed check google connection? If you haven’t, do not miss out on this article because right below here, we are going to let you know how to perform a speed test internet online. Here we go!

What should we do to know if our internet connection is fast or slow?


Above are some basic things about how to perform a speed test internet online that you should know. Well, we hope that you found this article and the information mentioned in this article interesting and useful!

>>> See more: 

Website test: 10+ Common reasons for slow web load (Part 2)

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