Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

 1. Choose the Wrong test location 

You may get different speed results for the different test positions - It’s normal.

So which location is the best for checking internet speed? 

If you aim to check your wifi speed, perform the test speed check my internet in the closest place to the router. Alternatively, you can go to all rooms and choose the best location for your router.

Speed check for Internet results affected by the test location

2. Run Internet speed test during peak hours

A lot of people connected to an internet connection at the same time can have an impact on the results of the network access test. That’s the reason why your connection will be slower than usual. Therefore, your connection will be slower than usual during peak time. We recommend doing a speed check google website in both peak and low hours.

3. Test speed one time 

The speed of the internet is usually not stable. The good chance is that you may get the wrong speed result if running one test at one specific time. So, for accuracy, you should run a speed check for the website multiple times. After average the results, you will have a more accurate view of the actual internet speed used.

Mistakes to avoid while you run speed check for Internet

4. Run the test when another device is using the Internet

The more devices use the Internet, the slower the network will be. That’s why if you do speed check network connection while other devices are being connected to a wireless network at the same time, you may get wrong results.

So, for the most accurate results, you should disconnect all irrelevant connections while running a test. It’s also important to ensure there aren't any devices that are downloading or uploading large amounts of data.

5. Do not restart the computer

Whatever device you use for the Internet speed test, you are advised to restart your computer before testing. Why? If the devices are not restarted for a long time, it is more likely that there will be applications running in the background, causing the network access speed to decrease.

Why Should We Run Speed Check for the Internet?

By running a speed check for the internet, you get a grasp of how fast your connection is, as well as to ensure you have no trouble doing online activities. There are many other reasons that you need to do an Internet speed test. Let’s explore!

Reasons to run an Internet speed check

Accessing the internet seems to be a daily job of many people. Due to the increase in the number of Internet users, a lot of internet service providers provide various packages for them to choose from

Why should we run a speed checks for the Internet?

But, the problem is: After signing up for the internet service for the first time, you get the fast speed of the Internet but later on, the internet gets slower without knowing the reasons. 

You might find it hard to find out if the slow Internet connection is because of a transmission error or not. Speed check for the internet can help you know whether what you paid is worth it. 

After the test finishes, if you see the actual usage speed the same as the speed committed on the network contract, you can use the service with complete peace of mind. If the actual speed is much slower, you should contact your network provider to report the problem and ask for a solution.


There are many reasons to do a speed checks for the Internet. You, as a regular Internet user, should do this periodically to ensure a smooth online experience. Also, keep common Mistakes while running a speed check for the Internet in mind to have the best results.

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