What are the advantages and disadvantages of blogs?

Nowadays, the importance of a website in digital marketing as well as in business receives more and more attention. As offering a wide range of business benefits, it's so common to see companies and businesses, even small-size ones, having their own website. However, is owning a website enough to reap all of its business benefits?

Or your site needs additional features to better support the business? Have you considered setting up a blog for your business site as a way to make it more competitive? If you are wondering about this issue, then this writing is for you. Right below here are the pros and cons of having a blog on a business site, let's check them out now!

Is it necessary to add a blog to your business website?
Business benefits of blogging on your website

- Drive more traffic to the website and boost SEO

Blogging is a great way to trigger SEO and get more traffic from the search engines like Google, Bing, etc to your website. If you want more content on your site is crawled and indexed by the search engines, you need to publish more. Having a blog on your business site and publishing your blog posts regularly also helps promote crucial keyword terms, allowing them to have better rankings on SERPs.

- Establish credibility

Establishing credibility is one of the big benefits that reflect the importance of website in digital marketing and in business as well. And with a blog, this benefit is even taken to a new level.

Through your blog, you can also provide your audience with useful content and informative article for totally free. In this way, you are building your credibility among your audience, your potential and existing customers, and those caring about your business. The more informative, helpful content is published on your blog, the more you'll be likely seen as an expert or an authority in your industry. Cleary, a blog full of helpful content lets readers know that your site is a trusted source.

The benefits and importance of website in digital marketing and business will be leveled up if it has a blog

- Build strong relationships with your audience

It's not hard to realize that there is a comment section available under many blog posts? Yep, it's a common feature having in many blogs, enabling the communication between a business and its audience. By making use of this feature and encourage your readers to put their questions, opinions, and feedback, you are developing relationships with them. It's a good way to better understand your audience as well as develop trust shows that you care about them and their benefits.

- Others

In addition to the 3 major pros mentioned recently, blogging on your business site also offers other benefits such as brand building, helping collect mail databases, and more. Well, the importance of website in digital marketing and business is so great, especially there's a blog on it.
What’s about the downsides?

When it comes to the drawbacks and difficulties of blogging on a website, well, time consumption is the first thing mention. Blogging requires a great deal of effort, patience, and time as well. It's hard to see any huge outcomes after one or two months.

Other challenges lie in technical issues as you need to set up the blog on your site and make sure it does not cause any significant effects on the performance of the site. Also, blogging needs good writing skills and a lot of creativity.

Recently, we learned about the pros and cons of having a blog on a business website. The importance of a website in digital marketing and business is, of course, so considerable, particularly when it includes a blog right on it. But, besides the benefits, adding a blog to your site also has cons. That's why you need to weigh the pros and cons and consider other factors carefully before deciding to blog on your business site.

See also:

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