Should I add a blog to my website?

These days, the importance of a website in digital marketing and in business is too obvious. A website offers a bunch of business benefits for sure. But is having a website enough to transform your business? Or it needs other things to better support your company or your business? Have you thought about adding a blog to your business site to make it more beneficial in terms of marketing, sales, branding, and more? If you are wondering about this issue, this article is for you. Keep reading on to know the pros and cons of business blogging!

Adding a blog on your business website, should you do that?
The pros of having a blog on your website

Here are a few basic pros of having a blog on your website

– Boost SEO and help drive more traffic to the website

Blogging is a good way to boost SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and get more traffic from Google and other search engines to your site. The more posts you have in your business blog, the more content the search engines crawl and index. This way, your website will be recognized as a resource of information for visitors to access. Having a blog on your site and creating content on it regularly, you can also promote crucial keyword terms so that they will have better rankings on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

– Add credibility

Building credibility is one major benefit that presents the importance of website in digital marketing and business. But this benefit will be taken to the next level with a blog.

Through your blog content, you can also provide value to your audience for free. This way, you are establishing your credibility among the potential and existing customers. The more you produce informative, helpful content, the more you’ll be considered as an authority or an expert in your industry. A blog full of useful content lets your audience know that your site, as well as your business, is a trusted source.

The importance of website in digital marketing will be leveled up with a blog on it

– Build relationships with your audience

Do you notice that there’s a comment section under each blog post? Yep, it’s a common feature found in many blogs which allows you to interact with your audience. Making use of this comment section to encourage your audience to put questions, thoughts, and feedback is a good way to communicate with them. This way, you will not only understand your audience more but also develop trust and proves that you really care about them and their benefits.

– Others

Along with the three major pros listed above, blogging on your business website also has other advantages such as keeping the audience updated about your business, helping collect mail databases, brand building, and more. As you can see, the importance of a website in digital marketing and in business is so tangible, especially when it has a blog on it.
The cons of having a blog on your site

Talking about the difficulties of having a blog on a website, well, time consumption is something to mention first. Blogging takes a great deal of time, effort, and also patience. It’s hard to gain huge results after one month or two months.

Other difficulties lie in technical issues when you need to set it up and make sure the blog does not affect the performance of your website as a whole. Also, blogging requires a lot of creativity and good writing skills.
Roundup: Should you have a blog on your business site?

Well, the answer to this question is “it’s up to you.” The importance of a website in digital marketing and business is considerable, especially when it has a blog right on it. However, along with its pros and benefits, having a blog on a site also has cons. That is the reason why you need to weigh its pros and cons carefully and consider other factors before determining whether you should blog on your site or not.

See also:

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