How to fix internet slow speed

Your home network is made up of several parts—usually your internet connection from your provider, a modem, a router, and one device at least. Any one of those parts could act as a choke point for your network and cause slow speeds. 

Pro Tip:

Unplug your router and modem, and plug them in again

solution to slow internet

Your home networking equipment works hard, and sometimes it needs a break. Unplugging your modem and router, waiting a minute, and plugging them back in gives these vital pieces of your network a chance to clear their working memory and get a fresh start on tasks that may have been bogging them down before.

 It may seem too simple to be true, but turning things off and on again can really give your internet speeds a boost.

 Put your router somewhere else

A lot of people hide their routers or gateways in closets or (heaven forbid) the basement, but that’s not great for Wi-Fi.

 You want to put as few physical barriers between your router and your devices as possible. Things like walls, floors/ceilings, doors, and large furniture can weaken your Wi-Fi signals, especially at longer distances. Signals, like those microwaves, Bluetooth speakers, baby monitors, and cordless phones can also cause slow Wi-Fi signals.

solutions for slow internet

 For the best Wi-Fi coverage in your home, place your router in a central location. Or you can put it near where you most often use the internet, like in a home office.

 You can also make use of any external antennas on your router to get better Wi-Fi coverage. Most router antennas are omnidirectional, so they spread Wi-Fi signals in all directions in an outward circle. That’s great if your whole house is one story, but for multistory homes, lay one antenna horizontally so the Wi-Fi signals spread up and down as well.

 Use the internet during off-peak hours

If you know there’s a big download in your future—like your MacBook has to upgrade to the latest OSX or a new patch for Overwatch is dropping—you might want to download it when you don’t need to do anything else online, like in the middle of the night.

 If your internet gets too slow to stream during a certain peak hours, download episodes of your shows earlier in the day (or again, in the middle of the night) so you’ll be ready to binge-watch all of Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix without any buffering interruptions.

 Upgrade your internet plan

Of course, your internet speeds might just not be up to snuff. If you haven’t upgraded your internet plan in several years, have more people living with you now, have transitioned to working from home, or just generally use the internet more now, it might be time to look for a speedier plan.

See more: How to Troubleshoot Slow Internet Speed for Small Business?

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