Nowadays, cell phones play an important role in our daily life, therefore, the demand for a stronger mobile signal also raises up. What solution when getting poor mobile data speed test results? A cell phone signal booster is often recommended by many carriers but is it effective like that? Let’s find out.


Four benefits of a cell phone signal booster

A cell phone signal booster is a great device that many consumers are simply not aware of or if they do already know of them, maybe they have not considered all of the benefits. There are 4 key benefits of this device making it more outstanding than others.
Signal boosters are able to extend the battery life of cellular phones. The reason is that it amplifies internet signals and a good Wifi signal strength requires less power to receive and transmit.
Save Money: Customers who are still paying for a landline phone solely in spite of unreliable cellular reception could save money every month thanks to the signal boosters.
Using a cellular signal booster will raise up data transfer too. Customers who can access the Internet through their cell provider, rather than over WiFi, will see positive signal changes with a signal booster.
A cellular signal booster adds extra security to homes with alarm systems that rely on cellular service to call monitoring stations.

How does a cell phone signal booster work?

Wireless Signal Boosters are systems including three parts in order to amplify existing cellular signals: an outside antenna, a signal amplifier, and an inside antenna.
The outside antenna receives existing available signals outside the building. Because an outside signal is a very weak one, therefore, it is necessary for you to own a signal booster to work. However, boosters are not developed to create a signal, their mission is to amplify what already exists. The farther away the cellular tower is, or the more factor interference from buildings, trees, etc., the poorer the mobile speedtest result will be. Furthermore, a weaker outside signal will require a stronger outside antenna.
However, If your demand is just only to boost the signal from one carrier, you should choose a system with a directional antenna they can mount pointing directly toward the correct tower, like the AG Pro 70™ Home Cellular Signal Booster Kit. Otherwise, if you need to boost multiple carriers, an omnidirectional antenna will work best because it will collect signals from towers in all directions. The outside antenna is connected via cable to the signal amplifier, which is installed inside the building.
An important thing is that before purchasing an amplifier you need to make sure it is designed to work with the frequencies and networks you are using. Fortunately, most carriers use either 850MHz or 1900MHz for their 2G and 3G networks, and there are several dual-band signal booster kits available that will work with either one.
The last piece of the system attaches to the amplifier and broadcasts the amplified signal out into the building. There are 2 types of indoor antennas: panel and dome. Panel antennas broadcast in one direction and work well for houses or buildings with multiple floors. Dome antennas, like the one, included with the zBoost® SOHO Premium Dual-Band Signal Booster with Ceiling-Mount Internal Antenna, broadcast in all directions on one floor.
They are 3-part systems that collect outside signals, amplify them, and then broadcast them back out. Most vehicle signal booster systems will have an omnidirectional external antenna. The external antenna attaches to the outside of the vehicle and is connected via cable to the amplifier inside.


If you want to boost a cell phone signal, you should consider installing a booster. After that, you will receive more benefits and see a good mobile data speed test result.
You can also consider a Wifi extender that also amplifies the data signal.

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