Other speed test tools to use

 Of course, there are countless speed test tools and speed test sites available on the internet these days for us to use. Most of them are fast, free, and free to use too. For years, speedtest.net by Ookla has been considered the most common and most reliable speed test tool. It’s one of the must-use tools when it comes to testing internet connection speed.

Along with speedtest.net, fast.com by Netflix, testmy.net, speed.googlefiber.net by Google, … are also reliable speed test tools to use. Plus, gospeedcheck.com by MySpeed is also a new option to try. Though this tool is quite new, it’s fast and also very easy to use. 

Speed test Bing: How to use Bing’s speed test widget?

It’s a good idea to run speed tests periodically to monitor your internet connection performance. Well, it’s also necessary to test your internet speed when you feel that your connection is slower than usual. These days, it’s so easy and convenient to perform this kind of test thanks to a lot of testing tools available on the market. Do you know that Bing has a speed test widget too? It allows us to check our internet connection whenever we want with just a few clicks. Check out this article “Speed test Bing: How to use Bing’s speed test widget?” to know more now!

Do you know that Bing has a speed test widget too?

What is Bing’s speed test?

Though Bing.com is not as common as Google.com, it is also a popular search engine that has a very large number of users. When it comes to the internet connection speed tests, Bing seemed to be fairly quicker than its competitors. It started experimenting with its very own speed test widget in the mid-2010s. 

Now, you can easily find Bing’s speed test at www.bing.com/widget/t/speedtest. Visiting this site, you will see a speedometer-style internet speed test coming with a simple and friendly visual design. Just need to access the site, you can ping test online and get the results within some seconds.  

Similar to a lot of online speed test tools available out there, Bing’s speed test widget measures 3 major elements of ping (measured in milliseconds - Ms), download speed, and upload speed (both measured in Megabits per second - Mbps).

Bing’s speed test widget measures ping, download speed, and upload speed

Speed test Bing: How to use Bing’s speed test widget?

As mentioned above, Bing’s speed test is available at www.bing.com/widget/t/speedtest. Everything you need to do to perform speed tests using this tool is to go to this site and click the “start” button on the screen to begin the test. It will take some seconds for the system to analyze and produce the results for you.

In case you find this URL quite long to type or it’s hard to fully remember that URL, then you can do a quick Google search or Bing search to find the test site. You should do your search using keywords like “speed test bing”, “bing speed test”, “internet speed test bing”, or “bing speed test widget”, etc. Look for the title of “Internet speed test - Bing” on the SERPs (search engine result pages), and click to that title then you will get to Bing’s speed test widget immediately.

There are countless speed test tools and speed test sites available on the internet these days


Here are a few interesting things to know about Bing’s speed test widget. As you can see, it’s so simple and easy to use. Along with this, there are also other great internet speed test tools that you should try, especially speedtest.net by Ookla. Well, in the end, we hope that this article “Speed test Bing: How to use Bing’s speed test widget?” did bring you helpful and interesting information!


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