Things to know when speed checking your Wi-Fi connection

Have you ever heard about WiFi 6? What is it? Is it the latest and the fastest wireless connection type available these days? Is it worth switching to WiFi 6? ... If you having these questions on your mind, why don't check out this article? Right below here are important things to know about WiFi 6 standard, let's see what they are right now!

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Check speed of wifi connection: WiFi 6 is faster than WiFi 5 and other priors

What is WiFi 6?

WiFi 6, like its name suggests, is the 6th generation of WiFi standard. It officially arrived in late 2019, and later on, WiFi 6-enable hardware was also launched throughout 2020.

WiFi 6 is also known as 802.11 ax, operating on both 2.4Hz and 5Hz frequencies. Thanks to implementing  2 critical technologies of MU-MIMO (Multi-Use, Multiple Input, Multiple Output) and OFDMA (orthogonal frequency division multiple access), WiFi 6 connections boast a lot of advantageous features that are going to be mentioned right below here!

For sure, speed is one of the most noticeable pros when it comes to WiFi 6. So, how fast it is? Now, let's check the speed check of WiFi connection of this 6th generation first.

Check speed of wifi connection: How fast WiFi 6 actually is? 

WiFi 6 is the improved version of WiFi 5, so it's no doubt that WiFi 6 is faster than WiFi 5 and other priors. But how fast is it? Theoretically, the maximum speed of WiFi 6 is 9.6 Gbps while this spec on WiFi 5 is 3.5 Gbps. Again, these are just theoretical speeds that are unlikely for most internet users to reach in reality. Hence, don't be surprised when you check the speed of WiFi connection on the WiFi 5 or WiFi 6 accesses and can't get those numbers. 

However, the speed rate of 9.6 Gbps still lets us know that WiFi 6 does have a much, much greater theoretical speed limit than its predecessors.

Theoretically, the maximum speed of WiFi 6 is 9.6 Gbps

Other advantages feature of WiFi 6

Along with faster speed, WiFi 6 also has other pros. Following are 3 of the most impressive features that WiFi 6 offers:

- Higher capacity: Thanks to MU-MIMO which allows communication to 8 devices at the same time, and ODFMA which allows data to be transferred to several devices in just one transmission, WiFi 6 holds a higher capacity with reduced network congestion.

- Better security: By having WPA3 which is the most recent wireless security standard, WiFi 6 promises a much better level of security.

- Longer battery life: By implementing TWT technology (Target Wake Time technology) which lets devices schedule when communicating with the WiFi network, WiFi 6 does help reduce power consumption on the devices, and thus, improve their battery life.


It can't deny that WiFi 6 brings out many benefits to internet users. No matter whether it's about security, reliability, speed, or energy consumption, WiFi 6 is better than previous WiFi generations. That's why it's said that the 6th generation of WiFi provides its users with a seamless internet experience. Do you want to try it? 

Also, if you still wonder about how fast a WiFi 6 connection is, you can check speed of wifi connection on a speed test site to see the results. Well, that’s all for now. Hope you enjoyed this article.


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