TOP 10 Best Tools to website test worldwide

Website test worldwide tool is always needed. You always see bloggers owning personal websites, small and medium businesses, nonprofits, the problem of "Page Load Time" is always a challenge for them. Why? Some small studies show that when users visit a website they will quickly leave the page if the site loads too long.

Nobody likes a Slow Website.

Speeding up Websites is essential. “The web should be fast” (Google says). Google has incorporated site speed in search rankings. How fast your website load on a desktop browser and mobile browser?

Let’s try the following tools to test the time taken to load the web page globally. They all give you actionable information along with the following to optimize your website for fast loading.

Time is taken to load the page

Page size

Number of requests made to load the page

YSlow score

PageSpeed Score

Waterfall chart

1- MySpeed Test by ToHsoft

To test the Internet speed, we will immediately think of using the Speed ​​test tool ... There are many units that provide speed check tools, but highly appreciated and accurate, ToHsoft's MySpeed ​​is the one. the name is mentioned first. Let's learn the basic operations of ToHsoft MySpeed.

MySpeed ​​is the easiest tool to test how fast your Internet is. Depending on the service provider, the subscription package that the download and upload (upload) speed is limited to a certain level.

If using a 30 Mbps package and the results fluctuate at 28 Mbps, your network is completely stable. However, if you check many times, at many times the speed is only around 10 Mbps, you should contact your provider for support.

Usually, internet speed measuring tools will check 3 things: ping, upload and download speed. The following 2 information are the most important because they are always publicly advertised by providers. Usually, the download speed will be faster than the upload speed.

2- Speed Test by Uptrends

Uptrends let you quickly check your site performance and provide the following essential metrics.

Load time

Page size

Requests made to load the page

Improvement recommendation

Request waterfall and breakdown

Uptrends got servers worldwide, which you can choose to test from.






Los Angeles

New York



If your target audience is global, then its critical to ensure your page loads within expected time globally.

As you can see above, you have an option to test on Desktop and Mobile from Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Phantom JS.

3- Dotcom-Monitor

Check website speed results from up to 25 locations with Dotcom-monitor. The great thing about is you can run the test from all the locations in one click.

Not just the desktop browser, but you also have an option to test from Android, Windows, and Blackberry. On the result page, you get an overall summary to get an idea of how does your site loads worldwide. If you notice slow from some location, then you can drill-down to see the slow loading resources and waterfall requests.

4- Website Audit

A modern tool for a modern website.

Geekflare Website Audit is powered by Google Lighthouse to test site for more than 40 metrics in performance and best practices. You can select to check using a desktop or mobile.

Some of the essential tested metrics are:

Time is taken to load the first byte

Fully load time


Number of requests and page size

Resource minification


Image size

Interactive request waterfall

and a lot more…

5- SUCURI Load Time Tester

Load time tester by SUCURI check your website from more than 15 locations and give you time taken from each location, average response, and performance grade.

SUCURI has other Security Scan test tool which you may like it too.

6- GTMetrix

Gtmetrix uses Google Page Speed and Yahoo! Yslow to grade your site’s performance and provides request details in the waterfall chart so you can see what request needs tweaking.

By default, it runs a test from Canada; however, if you do free registration, you will be able to run a scan from Dallas, Hong Kong, London, Mumbai, Sydney, Sao Paulo.

7- Pingdom

Pingdom lets you choose a test from the following location.


New York

San Jose



You get an excellent summary of the test results, including performance grade, insights, response codes, content size by type/domain/type.

Pingdom also lets you drill down each request so you can examine HTTP response & request headers. You may refer to the detailed guide about the Pingdom testing tool.

8- Web page test

Web page test is one of the most popular websites performance tools to let you run the test from multiple locations worldwide.

Each location got one or multiple browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, etc. cover the broad range of testing.

Web page test breaks down the page load time so you can focus on the weak point.

Time is taken to load on the first view

Time is taken to load on repeat view

Content breakdown by request/type

Document complete time

Fully loaded time

First-byte time

Waterfall view

Connection view

Request details and headers

CDN details

9- Website Pulse

WebSite Pulse lets you run a test from New York, Munich, and Melbourne.

It gives you quick information on the total time taken to load and following with each request.

Request status

Connect time

First-byte time

Last byte time

Request size

10- Site 24×7

Analyze full webpage including DNS time, Connection time, First-byte time, Start to render, Document complete, and total page loading time with Site24X7.

With Site 24×7, you can choose to test from more than 60 locations globally.

I hope the above FREE tools give you an idea of how much time does it take to load your website test worldwide.

If it’s getting loaded in less than 3 seconds, then well done!

So you have just known 10 website test worldwide tools, hope that this article will be useful for you.

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