Is ToHsoft's MySpeed network speed test standard?

 To test the Internet speed, we will immediately think of using the Speed ​​test tool ... There are many units that provide speed check tools, but highly appreciated and accurate, ToHsoft's MySpeed ​​is the one. the name is mentioned first. Let's learn the basic operations of ToHsoft MySpeed.

MySpeed ​​is the easiest tool to test how fast your Internet is. Depending on the service provider, the subscription package that the download and upload (upload) speed is limited to a certain level.

If using a 30 Mbps package and the results fluctuate at 28 Mbps, your network is completely stable. However, if you check many times, at many times the speed is only around 10 Mbps, you should contact your provider for support.

Usually, internet speed measuring tools will check 3 things: ping, upload and download speed. The following 2 information are the most important because they are always publicly advertised by providers. Usually, the download speed will be faster than the upload speed.

How does the Internet speed meter work?

When the test first starts, the tool will search for the test server closest to your location. This is important work. Some tools like also allow changing servers. Once determined, the tool sends a signal (ping) to the server and then waits for it to respond, usually after a few milliseconds.

Next, they measure download speed by opening multiple connections to the server and then downloading a small amount of data. There are two pieces of information recorded at this time: how long it took to get the data and how much resource the network used.

If the tools find that your Internet has large bandwidth (high resources), they will open more connections to download more data. The main purpose is to use up Internet resources to see how much data can be downloaded at once.

Imagine your Internet as a highway (there is a speed limit). Opening multiple connections is like opening multiple lanes. The speed limit is the same, but more vehicles can cross the street more quickly.

When it has the right connection, the tool will download more data and then measure the amount of data downloaded over a given time to calculate the download speed. Next is measuring the upload speed. The process is quite similar to the above, but instead of downloading from the server to the computer, it uploads data from the computer to the server.

Is the Internet speed meter accurate?

Measuring Internet speed sounds simple, but there are many factors that affect to ensure accuracy.

First of all, let's dive into the server selection step. The closest servers can be located in the same city you live in for optimal efficiency since the data doesn't have to be transmitted as far. That is why many businesses place their servers in many areas for better use of their services in that area.

However, the entire Internet is not so close. Many websites you visit have servers located very far away - in cities, even in other countries. Therefore, many times using Speedtest gives quite high results, but when downloading files from a server located too far away, the speed will be much slower.

The difference in server location is the reason the results are often different between services, such as of ToHoft… ..

By the second step, the tool will open multiple connections and use up all available network resources. If you are both testing and using the network, the results will be inaccurate. For example, if you are checking while watching Netflix or downloading heavy files, the results will often be slower than when not watching or downloading at all.

Test conditions also affect the results quite a bit. A computer connected to a wired network (Ethernet) usually produces higher results than a smartphone or tablet using Wi-Fi. Even different devices, even if connected to the same network, can give different results.

How can the accuracy be improved?

If you want to test the speed exactly as advertised, check in the most ideal conditions: the computer has Ethernet, choose the nearest server and do nothing during the test.

If you want the most realistic results, use the tools on the network, connect to a stable Wi-Fi network, choose a server that is not too close, play music or common tasks and start checking.

Of course, no matter how ideal the test conditions are, you won't be able to get the most accurate results. See MySpeed as a reference tool, satisfying curiosity.

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